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In-Conversation: Artist Sean Edwards & Writer Jude Rodgers

  • Platfform 2, Abergavenny Train Station Station Road Abergavenny, NP7 5HS United Kingdom (map)

Sean Edwards, ‘FOR WHAT WE HAVE’, 2023. Courtesy of the artist, The Common Guild and Tanya Leighton Gallery . Photo: Isobel Lutz-Smith. 

Join us at Platfform 2, 6:30pm, Thursday 7th December, for an in conversation between artist Sean Edwards and writer Jude Rodgers. The conversation will explore recent projects, works and books.

 This event is hosted as part of Sean Edwards’ artist residency with Peak, following on from his recent exhibition - For What we Have - as part of The Common Guild’s ‘Anywhere in the Universe’, a project centring the public library.

Edwards is interested in the act of browsing books within a library, where books act as portals to other places beyond our everyday realities. With his residency at Peak, Sean is continuing his research into library cataloguing systems, and the public library as a space of physical sanctuary, imbued with a subtle and enduring political consciousness. 

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Speaker Biographies

Sean Edwards (b. Cardiff 1980), graduated with an MA from the Slade School of Art in 2005, and is currently Programme Director for Fine Art & Photography at Cardiff School of Art and Design. He represented Wales at the 58th Venice Biennale (2019) and was awarded the Turner Prize Bursary in 2020 for the installation ‘Undo Things Done’. Recent solo exhibitions include 'chased losses', Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin (2022) ‘distant borrowing’, Tanya Leighton, Berlin (2021); ‘Undo Things Done’, Tŷ Pawb, Wrexham, Senedd, National Assembly for Wales and Bluecoat, Liverpool (both 2020). Group shows include ‘British Art Show 9’, Hayward Touring and ‘The World We Live In’, Southbank Art Centre, London (both 2022); ‘Olaph the Oxman’, Copperfield Gallery, London (2019).

Jude Rodgers is a writer living near Abergavenny, who specialises in storytelling for print, audio and digital media. She writes journalism for the Guardian, Observer and New Statesman among other titles, makes documentaries for BBC radio about music, literature and film, and is currently finishing an extensive storytelling project for the Velindre Cancer Centre in Cardiff with photographer David Collyer, for which she has made digital stories and is writing and designing a book. She has also lectured widely working for universities and interviewed Sean for the Observer in 2019, ahead of him representing Wales at the Venice Biennale.

Ymunwch â ni ar Blatfform 2, 6:30yh, Ddydd Iau 7 Rhagfyr, ar gyfer sgwrs rhwng yr artist Sean Edwards a’r sgwennwr Jude Rodgers. Sgwrs fydd yn archwilio projectau, gweithiau a llyfrau diweddar.

Caiff y digwyddiad hwn ei gynnal fel rhan o breswyliad Sean Edwards gyda Peak, yn dilyn ei arddangosfa ddiweddar – For What we Have – oedd yn rhan o broject ‘Anywhere in the Universe’ The Common Guild, project sy’n canolbwyntio ar lyfrgelloedd cyhoeddus.

Mae gan Edwards ddiddordeb yn y weithred o bori drwy lyfrau’r llyfrgell, lle mae llyfrau’n gweithredu fel pyrth i lefydd eraill y tu hwnt i’n realiti beunyddiol. Drwy gyfrwng ei breswyliad gyda Peak, mae Sean yn parhau i ymchwilio systemau catalogio llyfrgelloedd, a’r llyfrgell gyhoeddus fel hafan ffisegol, sydd ag ymwybyddiaeth wleidyddol cynnil a pharhaus.

Bywgraffiadau Siaradwyr

Graddiodd Sean Edwards (g. Caerdydd 1980), gydag MA o Ysgol Gelf y Slade yn 2005, ac ar hyn o bryd fe yw Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Celf Gain a Ffotograffiaeth Coleg Celf a Dylunio Caerdydd. Cynrychiolodd Cymru yn 58fed Biennale Fenis (2019), a derbyniodd fwrsariaeth y Turner Prize yn 2020 ar gyfer y gosodiad ‘Undo Things Done’. Mae arddangosfeydd unigol diweddar wedi cynnwys ‘chased losses’, Oriel Temple Bar, Dulyn (2022) ‘distant borrowing’, Tanya Leighton, Berlin (2021); ‘Undo Things Done’, Tŷ Pawb, Wrecsam, Senedd Cymru a Bluecoat, Lerpŵl (ill dau yn 2020). Mae sioeau grŵp yn cynnwys ‘British Art Show 9’, Hayward Touring a ‘The World We Live In’, Canolfan Gelf Southbank, Llundain (ill dau yn 2022); ‘Olaph the Oxman’, Oriel Copperfield, Llundain (2019).

Sgwennwr sy’n byw gerllaw’r Fenni yw Jude Rodgers, sy’n arbenigo mewn adrodd straeon ar gyfer testun, sain a chyfryngau digidol. Mae hi’n newyddiadura ar gyfer y Guardian, Observer a’r New Statesman ymysg teitlau eraill, ac yn creu rhaglenni dogfen ar gyfer rhaglenni radio’r BBC ynglŷn â cherddoriaeth, llenyddiaeth a ffilm, ac ar hyn o bryd mae’n gorffen project enfawr ar adrodd straeon ar gyfer Canolfan Ganser Felindre yng Nghaerdydd gyda’r ffotograffydd David Collyer, drwy greu straeon digidol ac ysgrifennu a dylunio llyfr. Mae hefyd wedi darlithio’n helaeth mewn prifysgolion, a bu’n cyfweld â Sean ar gyfer yr Observer yn 2019 cyn iddo gynrychioli Cymru ym Miennale Fenis.

Access: Platfform 2 is accessed by a passenger foot bridge with stairs (there are 24 steps up and 21 steps down). There is currently no lift. For level access to Platform 2 aided by Transport for Wales staff, assistance can be requested from the Ticket Office on Platform 1 during opening hours and from train crew when it is closed. There is an accessible toilet located within the station cafe on Platfform 1. There are 8 accessible parking spots for blue badge holders. Find more information about station access here.

6 October

Gweithdy Adennill Iaith//  Language Reclamation Workshop, Toyosi Adenuga