Friday 21 October - Friday 28 October 

Across 2022 young people and artists have met at Platfform 2, Abergavenny Train Station, to think about languages and futures in Cymru*. This Autumn, a small group of Casgleb collaborators are coming together to work across Platfform 2, the Old School and the local landscape, for a small programme of workshops, gatherings and walks. Convened with artist Owen Griffiths, we’ll be joined by new and past Peak collaborators, to reflect on our work together this year and to enable new conversations to emerge. 

‘I began working on this project in the role of a convener – invited to bring elements of the programme and partnership together. Mapping a way through, supporting inquiries, exploring where the edges of our projects were and what ideas overlapped. As Casgleb developed I proposed to Peak that we look out from our base on platform 2 at Abergavenny train station. Connecting the line of the railway to the cut, clay-lined brown line of the canal and the wilder flow line of the Usk. These lines, ecosystems and edges share flora and fauna, and they’re both communal and solitary spaces; linking communities as places where passing, crossing and navigating are words we use. Their ordinary, cultural, industrial traces link ‘local’ landscapes to trade and to global narratives of labour. Casgleb’s October season of talks, work and events explores these themes by working with contributors who draw from geology, water, politics, place, to re-imagine our relationship to this landscape and propose it as a site for thinking / modelling / talking about radical futures, climate and community resilience…’ - Artist Owen Griffiths 

Imagined as a week of gathering and sharing, this collaborative programme delves into the ways of working which have emerged through Casgleb, and we invite you to join us!

Dydd Gwener 21 Hydref – Dydd Gwener 28 Hydref

Yn ystod 2022 bu pobl ifanc ac artistiaid yn ymgynnull ar Blatfform 2, Gorsaf Drenau’r Fenni, i feddwl am ieithoedd a dyfodolau yng Nghymru. Yr Hydref hwn, bydd grŵp bychan o gydweithwyr Casgleb yn dod at ei gilydd i gydweithio ar Blatfform 2, yn Yr Hen Ysgol, ac o fewn y tirlun lleol, fel rhan o raglen fechan o weithdai, sgyrsiau a theithiau cerdded. Wedi’i hwyluso gan yr artist Owen Griffiths, byddwn yn cael cwmni cydweithwyr o’r gorffennol a rhai sy’n newydd i Peak, i fyfyrio ar ein gwaith gyda’n gilydd eleni ac i alluogi sgyrsiau newydd i ddod i’r amlwg.

‘Dechreues i weithio ar y project hwn fel hwylusydd ar ôl cael gwahoddiad i ddod ag elfennau o’r rhaglen a’r bartneriaeth at ei gilydd. Fy mwriad oedd ceisio mapio ffordd ymlaen, cefnogi ymholiade, gan ystyried pwyntie cyswllt ein projectau a lle mae syniade’n gorgyffwrdd. Wrth i Casgleb ddatblygu cynigiais wrth Peak y dylem ddefnyddio ein safle ar Blatfform 2 Gorsaf Drenau’r Fenni fel man cychwyn i ystyried y tirlun ehangach. Gellir cysylltu llinell y rheilffordd gyda llinell frown strwythuredig y gamlas sydd wed’i leinio â chlai, yn ogystal â llinell yr afon Wysg sy’n llifo’n fwy gwyllt. Mae’r llinellau, ecosystemau a’r ymylon hyn yn rhannu fflora a ffawna, ac maent ill dau yn ofodau cymunedol ac unigol; sy’n cysylltu cymunedau lle mae’r geiriau goddiweddyd, croesi a mordwyo yn cael eu defnyddio. Mae olion diwylliannol, diwydiannol, bob dydd y trac a’r dŵr yn cysylltu tirluniau ‘lleol’ â masnach a naratifau byd-eang yn ymwneud â llafur. Bydd rhaglen mis Hydref Casgleb o sgyrsie a digwyddiade’n archwilio’r themâu hyn drwy weithio gyda chyfranwyr o fydoedd daeareg, dŵr, gwleidyddiaeth a lle, er mwyn ailddychmygu ein perthynas â’r tirlun hwn a’i gynnig fel safle ar gyfer meddwl / modelu / siarad am ddyfodolau radical a gwydnwch hinsoddol a chymunedol…’ – Yr Artist Owen Griffiths.

Bydd y rhaglen gasglebol hon, sydd wedi'i ddychmygu fel wythnos i ddod at ein gilydd a rhannu, yn cofleidio’r ffyrdd o weithio sydd wedi eu saernïo drwy Casgleb, ac mae gwahoddiad i bawb i ymuno!

Casgleb Autumn Programme \ Rhaglen Hydref Casgleb

  • Deep Time Walk & Casting Workshop with Chloe Winder and Alan Bowring

    For Young People 18 - 25

    Saturday 22 October, 11am - 4pm, Platfform 2

    Join Alan Bowring, the Geologist for the Brecon Beacons National Park, and artist Chloe Winder, for a walk and workshop exploring time, landscape and memory. We’ll take a slow, 2 mile circular route between Abergavenny Station and the river Usk, collecting objects as we walk for a plaster-cast workshop. // Ymunwch ag Alan Bowring, Daearegydd Parc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheiniog, ac artist Chloe Winder am daith gerdded araf a gweithdy castio lle byddwn yn archwilio amser, tirwedd a chôf. Byddwn yn dilyn llwybr cylchol 2 filltir o/i Gorsaf Drenau’r Fenni ar hyd gorlifdir yr Wysg wrth casglu wrthrychau i’w castio yn y gweithdy plaster.

    This Deep Time Walk & Casting Workshop was proposed by Chloe Winder, following her participation in Platfform Haf, a programme on which Alan Bowring shared a talk on landscape, geology and time. Peak will reimburse travel and food expenses for all who join.

  • Rhaniad gwaith-ar-waith Pegwn

    Pegwn sharing of work in progress

    Dydd Mawrth 25 Hydref
    Tuesday 25 October

    Platfform 2 + Online - from Dylan Huw, Llinos Anwyl and Talulah Thomas

    Fel rhan o Pegwn, bydd Dylan Huw, Llinos Anwyl a Talulah Thomas — celf-sgwennwyr dwyieithog yn eu hugeiniau sy’n rhannu diddordeb yn y modd y mae iaith yn croesdorri â strwythurau pŵer, tirlun a phrofiadau cwiar —yn creu gwaith newydd gyda’i gilydd ar Blatfform 2. Bydd y gwaith yn ddatblygiad o’r syniadau a archwiliwyd fel rhan o raglen wanwyn Pegwn oedd yn arbrofi â phroses ymchwil gasglebol amlieithog chwareus, gan gyd-ddychmygu posibiliadau iaith o safle penodol y Stafell Ddarllen. \\ As part of Pegwn, Dylan Huw, Llinos Anwyl and Talulah Thomas — bilingual writer-artists in their twenties who share an interest in how language intersects with power structures, landscape and queerness — will be creating new work together at Platfform 2. The work will expand upon ideas explored as part of the Pegwn spring programme’s playfully multilingual collective research process, while being anchored in the site-specificity of Abergavenny Train Station.

  • Platfform 2 Talks - Owen Griffiths in Conversation with Idle Women

    Tuesday 25 October, 5:30pm - 7pm, Platfform 2

    For our next monthly event at Platfform 2, artist Owen Griffiths will be in conversation with Rachel Anderson and Cis O'Boyle from Idle Women, an arts, environment ​and social justice collaboration. // Ar gyfer ein digwyddiad misol nesaf yn Platfform 2, bydd yr artist Owen Griffiths yn sgwrsio â Rachel Anderson a Cis O'Boyle o Idle Women, sef cydweithrediad chyfiawnder cymdeithasol, celfyddydol ac amgylcheddol.

  • Zine Making Workshop with Ffion Williams and Felix Stevenson-Davies 

    For Young People 18 - 25

    Wednesday 26 October, 3pm - 4:30pm, Platfform 2

    Join artists Ffion Williams and Felix Stevenson-Davies for a zine making workshop which explores how you / we feel about climate change, hope and the future. There will be time for collage, making and discussion. Take home your own zine or add it to our reading room library.

    Ymunwch ag artistiaid Ffion Williams a Felix Stevenson-Davies am gweithdy creu zine â fydd yn ystyried eich / ein teimladau ynghylch newid hinsawdd, gobaith ac anobaith. Bydd amser am collage, creu a sgwrsio. Ewch â'ch cylchgrawn eich hun adref gyda chi neu ychwanegwch at ein llyfrgell ystafell ddarllen.

    These workshops are imagined and delivered by young people who took part in Platfform Haf as part of Casgleb, a project (re)imagining futures in Wales. Peak will reimburse travel and food expenses for all who join.


Dylan Huw

Mae Dylan Huw yn sgwennu’n ddwy-ieithog rhwng beirniadaeth gelfyddydol, ffuglen a phrosiectau cydweithredol. Mae’n datblygu gwaith newydd yn rhan o Gymrodoriaeth Cymru’r Dyfodol 2022-3, a roedd yn Sgwennwr Preswyl diweddar i Jerwood. Ers 2020 mae Dylan wedi gweithio’n rheolaidd gyda Peak, yn bennaf ar Pegwn. \\ Dylan Huw is a writer who works bilingually across art criticism, fiction and collaborative projects. He is currently developing new work as part of the Future Wales Fellowship 2022-3, and is a recent Writer in Residence at Jerwood Arts. Dylan has been working with Peak regularly since 2020, mainly organising Pegwn. \\

Chloe Winder

Chloe Winder is a recent graduate and site responsive artist from The Rhondda. Her practice explores the rhythm between the temporal and permanent, often at sites where marks have been left on the landscape by human interference. She works with bodily senses to understand and respond to experiences of site. \\ Artist a raddiodd yn ddiweddar yw Chloe Winder sy’n ymateb i safleoedd penodol. Mae’n dod o’r Rhondda ac mae ei hymarfer yn archwilio’r rhythm rhwng y tymhorol a’r parhaol, yn aml mewn safleoedd lle y gwelir creithiau ymyrraeth dyna r dirlun. Mae’n gweithio gyda synhwyrau’r corff er mwyn deall ac ymateb i brofiadau mewn safleoedd penodol. 

Owen Griffiths

Owen Griffiths is a social practice artist working with food systems, land use and collaborative processes. Across events, rituals, curating, making gardens, codesigning spaces, cooking feasts, community workshops and facilitation, his work explores social justice and place, calling for radical futures to be co-imaged and developed through culture and community. Owen is the Founder and Director of Ways of Working, a social enterprise for community development, climate justice and empowerment. \\ Artist ymarfer cymdeithasol yw Owen Griffiths sy’n gweithio gyda systemau bwyd, defnydd tir a phrosesau cydweithredol. Drwy gyfrwng digwyddiadau, defodau, curadu, creu gerddi, cyd-gynllunio gofodau, coginio gwleddoedd, gweithdai cymunedol a hwyluso, mae ei waith yn archwilio cyfiawnder cymdeithasol a lle, gan alw am gyd-ddelweddu a datblygu dyfodolau radical drwy gyfrwng diwylliant a chymuned. Owen yw Sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr Ways of Working, menter gymdeithasol ar gyfer datblygiad cymunedau, cyfiawnder hinsawdd ac ymbweru.

Llinos Anwyl

Mae Llinos Anwyl yn ymchwilydd creadigol a threfnydd llawr gwlad sy’n byw yn Aberystwyth. Mae eu gwaith yn ymrwymo i ddatgelu hanesion radical a gwrando ar gymunedau, ac maen nhw hefyd yn creu gwaith fel @henbapurnewydd. \\ Llinos Anwyl is a creative researcher and grassroots organiser living in Aberystwyth. Their work is driven by a commitment to unearthing radical histories and listening to communities, and they also make work as @henbapurnewydd.

Ffion Williams

Ffion Williams (she/they) is an artist from South Wales who is currently in their fourth year at Edinburgh College of Art. Their work explores identity, protest, Welsh culture and language, specifically investigating what it means to be Welsh without feeling connected to the culture or being able to speak the language. \\ Artist o Dde Cymru yw Ffion Williams (hi/nhw) sydd ar hyn o bryd yn astudio yn ei phedwaredd blwyddyn yng Ngholeg Celf Caeredin. Mae eu gwaith yn archwilio hunaniaeth, protest, diwylliant Cymru a’r Gymraeg, gan ystyried yn benodol beth mae’n ei olygu i feddu ar hunaniaeth Gymreig heb fedru’r iaith a heb deimlo cysylltiad â’r diwylliant.

Talulah Thomas

Mae Talulah Thomas yn gyfansoddwr a dylunydd sain o Langollen, sy’n bennaf yn gweithio gyda chynhyrchiadau theatr. Mae hefyd yn DJ ac yn preswylio’n Playtime Collective yng Nghaergrawnt. I ffwrdd o’r llwyfan, mae Talulah yn gweithio gyda thestun a’r gair llafar o gwmpas cysylltedd iaith a dyfodoliaeth.  \\ Talulah Thomas is a composer and audio designer from Llangollen, mainly working with theatre productions. They're also a resident DJ with Playtime Collective in Cambridge. Away from the stage, Talulah works with text and the spoken word, exploring intersections of language and futurism.

Felix (Nena) Stevenson-Davies

Felix (Nena) Stevenson-Davies (They/he/she) is 19 and has just left Hereford College of Arts, where they completed an extended diploma in Performing Arts. Their interests include finding patterns and relationships, communication through voice and movement and the impacts climate change has on mental health. \\ Mae Felix (Nena) Stevenson-Davies (Nhw/fe/hi) yn 19 a newydd adael Coleg Celf Henffordd, lle buont yn astudio diploma estynedig mewn Celfyddydau Perfformiadol. Mae eu diddordebau’n cynnwys darganfod patrymau a pherthnasau, cyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng llais a symudiad ac effaith newid hinsawdd ar iechyd meddwl.